The 25-ton-class heavy prime-movers and heavy-duty tractor-trucks of the first generation of vehicles within the modern German Army The 25-ton-class heavy prime-movers and heavy-duty tractor-trucks of the first generation of vehicles within the modern German Army The 25-ton-class heavy prime-movers and heavy-duty tractor-trucks of the first generation of vehicles within the modern German Army The 25-ton-class heavy prime-movers and heavy-duty tractor-trucks of the first generation of vehicles within the modern German Army The 25-ton-class heavy prime-movers and heavy-duty tractor-trucks of the first generation of vehicles within the modern German Army
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Publication ID: Nr. 5009

The 25-ton-class heavy prime-movers and heavy-duty tractor-trucks of the first generation of vehicles within the modern German Army

Specialised heavy-duty transport in the early years of the modern German Armed Forces demanded sophisticated heavy-trucks. The FAUN company offered uniquesolutions and built the fleet of heavy long-bonneted prime-movers and truck-tractors for the tasks of the new German Army.

Quantity Photos and Illustrations:
3 colour / 102 black&white / 56 graphics / 7 drawings 1/87
Text - Language:
Complete English
Number of pages:
64 + 4


Price: 18.95 Euro (national prices and currencies apply)

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